Saturday, March 09, 2024 2:30 pm–3:30 pm German Suite

Often it seems that groomers-in-training want to put all their focus into the, admittedly, most visible finish work on outer legs, torso, and heads, while the finished effect is still scruffy and unkempt because they have ignored matters that should have been done in the “prep” phase of the groom, especially on the undersides of the dog. The undersides of a groom are not the most sexy or exciting, and rarely do they get much attention, but they are incredibly important to a well-groomed, well-finished and balanced dog. Join Jennifer for this visually documented deep dive into armpits, groins, sanitary trims, paw pads, nostrils, lips, under-ears, and all the other places in a groom not easily seen but very important—especially to the dog!


Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins, MA, ICMG, PGC

Owner Love Fur Dogs